Saturday, June 7, 2008

Chain Restaurants Will Be The Death Of The American Palate

Last night for my friends birthday my roommates and I went to the new cheese cake factory in roseville at the galleria mall. And i have to say i had high hopes for the evenings meal, i mean this was the famous cheese cake factory if any chain restaurant was going to be good it would have to be this one right ?....
WRONG I have to say this was one of the biggest let downs I have ever felt at a restaurant.
Let me start at the beginning, the first of many disappointments in the evening was at the bar, i would consider the sacramento area a beer town, i know we are close to a lot of wine areas but for the most part I think beer is still on top in sac, for god sakes i can think of two restaurants off the top of my head that have the word brewery in their name (BJ's and Sacramento brewing company) and these are some of the most well know restaurants in Sac. So one would think a brand new restaurant in roseville across the street from a BJ's Brewery a restaurant that offers at least 10 beers on tap, would have a decent selection of beer on tap right ?.........
WRONG AGAIN 3 count them 3 beers on tap and not even good beers. I mean are you serious?......

So after getting over the shock of the horrible beer selection i gather my bearings and order bottle of fat tire, it tasted fine.... so approximately 45 min later when we finally get seated i try to forget the beer situation and the ridicules wait and focus on the service from the waiter and rest of the staff. It all started off very well our waiter introduced himself
(i cant for the life of me remember his name) took our drink order returned with them very quickly, witch is some thing i really like i hate waiting long for my drink.

Our bread is taking a bit long but our waiter comes and informs us that it is because we are waiting for a new fresh batch, witch is fine i dont mind waiting a little longer for fresher food and i especially dont mind when my waiter lets me know why things are taking so long it shows that they realize that you are being inconvenienced. When the bread finally arrives i would say we had been siting down for about 15 to 20 mins so we are a bit hungry and we destroy the bread and this brings me to my next big disappointment the bread. I think if you are going to take the time to bake your own bread take the time to make it TASTE GOOD! The bread basket comes to the table with two types of bread a wheat style which was actually pretty good and the other bread was .......well .....its hard to call it bread i think a better description is warm flavorless sponge.

Once our bread was devoured our waiter came by and took our order ....Oh by the way now we have been siting down for at least a half hour now. I ordered the pork chop dinner it is described as
"Marinated Center-Cut Chops Served with Housemade Apple Sauce,
Mashed Potatoes and Fresh Spinach"

So lets fast forward another 45 mins when we finally receive our entree's.
I cut in to my first chop its not too dry I take the bite the flavor is ok..
.. but suddenly there is a overwhelming sickening sweetness and i realize the "housemade apple sauce" is underneath the chops making the whole dish almost completely uneatable i scrap off what i can and move in to the spinach thinking that any cook worth his salt can make sautéed spinach. i take the first bite and my mouth is amazed of the lack of flavor it was like eating wet socks its like they had never heard of salting greens.

Well i think i have ranted long enough, I am sure you get the idea.To put it succinctly........................

Where i am coming from

I want to start off by saying that I am writing this blog for two reasons. the first being I love food and I love talking about it, the second reason is I want to learn to become a better writer . And the one thing I do know about writing is that if you want to be better at it you have to write alot, so that is what i plan on doing.

So i am giving you fair warning I am a horrible speller and I am no better at punctuation, so pleases don't judge me on my spelling and grammar I would rather you judged me on my ideas and point of views I can defend those. But by all means speak your mind I'm a big boy I can take it.